The main specialization of the UNI-CERT Training Center is the advanced training of quality managers and regulatory managers of suppliers, distributors, manufacturers of medical devices and personal protective equipment. In addition, regular internal training of our own employees is carried out.
In addition to the main topics that are in constant demand among most market participants, the Training Center offers seminars on highly specialized topics, information on which cannot be obtained consolidated from a single source. The final Digest-seminar “The most important regulatory changes in the field of medical devices and personal protective equipment” is traditionally held annually in mid-December.
All speakers of the Training Center are permanent practitioners who willingly share their knowledge with their younger colleagues. Their professionalism is proven by the number of audits conducted, numerous publications in industry publications and reports at specialized events. For novice speakers, UNI-CERT has a special training program with a motivation system.
Seminars on permanent topics, which today are held in the form of webinars, are held in a “club format”. This allows in small groups of up to 20 people to make the most of the training time and the participants get answers to all their questions. During the largest industry exhibitions in Ukraine, the Training Center organizes free seminars for an audience of up to 100 participants. Thanks to the full support of the organizers of these exhibitions, UNI-CERT has the opportunity to share its knowledge and experience with a very wide range of specialists. In addition, the best speakers constantly act as experts at various conferences and forums that are organized by specialized business associations.
In the mailing lists of the Training Center, which are not more than 1 time per week, it is reported about the most relevant news of technical regulation and educational events. If you wish to receive such information and offers, then it is enough to send a letter to with the word “Subscribe”.
The schedule for the near future can be found here
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