Impartiality policy

UNI-CERT Impartiality Policy

The management of UNI-CERT has a policy that:

  • it takes responsibility for the reliability of the conformity assessment of products and management systems it carries out;
  • the organisation is independent and impartial, responsible for its decision on granting, maintaining, extending, reducing or withdrawing of certification;
  • the organisation does not provide consultancy or advice to the applicant as regards resolving the issues that preclude the tasks pertaining to the conformity assessment the applicant applies for;
  • as a notified body, UNI-CERT does not certify another notified body for its management system;
  • the organisation does not offer or provide consultancy to its clients, it does not offer or provide internal audits to its certified clients;
  • neither management nor the personnel of Uni-Cert have no commercial, financial or other influence on the outcome of the conformity assessment activities;
  • all interested parties have access to the services provided;
  • the organisation does not make immoderate financial or other demands;
  • the procedures guiding the organisation are non-discriminatory;
  • UNI-CERT does not offer or provide the conformity assessment activities as linked with the activities of an organisation that provides consultancy;
  • UNI-CERT shall take actions to correct claims by any consultancy organisation stating or implying that the conformity assessment activities would be simpler, easier, faster or less expensive if UNI-CERT were used.
  • UNI-CERT, as a notified body, does not imply that there would be specific conditions of conformity assessment if a specified consultancy organisation were involved;
  • UNI-CERT does not involve consultancy organisations in audits, as this poses an unacceptable threat to the impartiality of UNI-CERT;
  • UNI-CERT keeps confidential any proprietary information about a client;

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