ISO 22716

Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated January 20, 2021 No. 65 approved the Technical Regulation for cosmetic products, which was developed on the basis of the Regulation on cosmetic products (EU) No. 1223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of November 30 , 2009. For the sale of cosmetic products on the Ukrainian market, this Regulation (paragraph 21) for the first time established a rule on the need for domestic manufacturers to meet the requirements of good manufacturing practice (GMP), in accordance with the international standard ISO 22716.

The Ukrainian Scientific Institute of Certification (UNI-CERT LLC) became the FIRST conformity assessment body in Ukraine, which received accreditation from the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine (NAAU) to carry out activities in a new line of business: DSTU EN ISO 22716:2015 Cosmetics. Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices (EN ISO 22716:2007, IDT) and EN ISO 22716:2007 Cosmetics – Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) – Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices. From now on, domestic manufacturers can confirm their compliance with the requirements of this standard and receive a certificate from an accredited body, which significantly expands the ability to sell Ukrainian-made cosmetic products in foreign markets, including the European Union. Why is it so important?

NAAU is an associate member of the European Accreditation Cooperation (EA) and a signatory of the Bilateral Recognition Agreement (EA BLA), a member of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and a signatory of the Multilateral Mutual Recognition Agreement (IAF MLA) in the areas of accreditation of product certification bodies, personnel certification and certification bodies of quality management systems, etc. Recognition by EA and IAF means that the activities of the NAAU are fully equivalent to those of any other national accreditation body that is a member of EA and IAF in the relevant area of accreditation. Thus, the accreditation provided by NAAU in the above areas is equivalent to the accreditation provided by national accreditation bodies – signatories of EA BLA and IAF MLA in more than 80 countries around the world. Accordingly, the Good Manufacturing Practice certificates issued by UNI-CERT LLC as an accredited body for the DSTU EN ISO 22716 / EN ISO 22716 standards are equivalent to certificates issued by European and other certification bodies . And this greatly facilitates the passage of regulatory barriers in the markets of other countries when promoting Ukrainian products to international markets.

We are open for cooperation and will be happy to certify the production of cosmetics and perfumery products for compliance with DSTU EN ISO 22716:2015 and EN ISO 22716:2007!

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