Technical regulations for cosmetic products. Production certification according to GMP (EN ІSO 22716:2007).





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Main requirements of ISO 13485:2018. Risk management according to DSTU EN ISO 14971:2015.

The program of the event is available only on Ukrainian or Russian

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OBL-OEM CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT OF MEDICAL DEVICES Analysis of technical documentation, audits, supervisions and recertification

Text is available only in Ukrainian

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Recognition of EU certificates for medical devices in Ukraine. Simplification, shortening of term and reduction of costs for conformity assessment with the requirements of Technical Regulations.

Since the Technical Regulations entered into force, discussions on the possibility of simplifying conformity assessment procedures, especially for medical devices of high-risk classes have been underway. Recently, we have had positive and relevant news regarding the recognition procedures in Ukraine for certificates of conformity issued by some notified bodies, accredited in the EU. To put […]

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